Blood pressure is understood as the measurement of the force exerted against the walls of the arteries, as the heart pumps blood to the body. It  affects many organs when altered and uncontrolled;it can cause heart, cerebrovascular, and kidney diseases, eye  and other health problems. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA


Blood pressure is measured in two stages: systole and diastole, both carried out by the heart muscles. A reading is given with the upper number for the systolic pressure and the lower for diastolic pressure. In a normal state, the values ​​are 120 / 80 mmHg. When one of the two or these values ​​are above the baseline rate, it is called arterial hypertension. If they are below, it indicates hypotension.

The risk factors for developing this disease are many; for example, the water and salt ratio in the body, kidney functioning, and sometimes hormonal problems and stress, among others. Therefore, it is important to take blood pressure measurements, such as when you are at the doctor’s office. It is recommended to be calm and at rest for the measurement to be accurate.

When blood pressure increases and the condition is frequent or maintained  for a time, it may require pharmacological treatment. There are several therapeutic options to manage the problem; however, the right one will depend on one’s age, the measurement, the time it is taken, and any other diseases present. Before starting a treatment, it is advisable to take non-pharmacological measures such as reducing salt intake, exercising, drinking water, and stopping smoking or alcohol intake, among others.


The change in blood flow that accompanies high blood pressure can alter the flow of electrolytes and other types of exchanges in the mouth, through local capillaries. This is driven by the saliva, whose components facilitate the process of metabolism and digestion of food and medicine. The mouth is also affected when the kidneys do not work properly, thereby impacting the concentration and electrolyte exchange in our bodies.h could affect the composition and pH saliva, which can become more acidic or basic and in turn affect tooth enamel. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA

Inadequate control of high blood pressure can lead to certain dental diseases and aggravate them. Studies have identified that patients with severe periodontitis are associated with poor oral health and uncontrolled high blood pressure.

There are situations in which the anxiety of going to the dentist generates stress and an increase in blood pressure.  It is short term and could generate the misinterpretation of possible arterial hypertension, or  having it diagnosed uncontrolled.


This drug is part of the family of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as enalapril and captopril, among others; The mechanism of Quinapril helps regulate blood pressure  and is indicated alone or in combination with other medications. It is generally effective and well tolerated by patients; therefore, it is among the first choice of drugs in the treatment of high blood pressure. However, in African American patients, it seems to be less effective. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA

Among the main adverse reactions associated with the drug are allergic responses that, in turn, cause a dry cough and xerostomia (dry mouth). These symptoms are derived from the mechanism of action of the drug.. However, they are  sometimes attributed to poor blood pressure control. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA


Saliva is essential to maintain balance in the mouth. Under normal conditions, 1 – 1.5 liters are secreted on average per day. Therefore, it is key to the functions of the oral cavity and contributes to form and lubricate the food bolus for swallowing to make it digestible through salivary amylase. It also improves taste. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA

Xerostomia is understood as dryness of the mouth as a consequence of a decrease or absence of saliva secretion in normal conditions. It is not a disease but rather a symptom that occurs in various pathologies and as a result of side effects, food intake, or a decreased function of the salivary glands. The most common signs and symptoms that identify xerostomia are: viscousness, sticky, foamy saliva, difficulty speaking and swallowing, dry lips, tongue and mucous membranes, halitosis (bad breath), traumatic oral lesions, fissures, a papillated tongue, among others (see image 1 and 2). QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA

Depending upon the cause it is possible to manage it in different ways and  avoid oral health complications such as cavities and gingivitis. Some of the recommendations or suggestions may be:

  • Chew sugar-free gum (thus avoiding cavities, but if you have gastroesophageal reflux, do not use this mechanism)
  • Limit caffeine consumption
  • Do not use mouthwashes that contain alcohol
  • Stop smoking
  • Drink water immediately (if you have cardiovascular problems, consult your doctor first).
  • Salivary substitutes may help (check with your dentist)
  • Avoid using over-the-counter antihistamines and nasal decongestants
  • Breathe through your nose

Saliva is very important to keep  mouth and teeth healthy; therefore, we always recommend the following steps:

  1. Avoid drinks and sugary and acidic foods since they increase the risk of cavities.
  2. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste: always ask the dentist if this is favorable and which would be the most appropriate.
  3. Use a fluoride mouthwash or fluoride gel before bed. Sometimes a custom fluoride applicator (made by your dentist) can make it more effective.
  4. Visit your dentist at least twice a year to detect and treat cavities or any other dental problems.

It is important  in any of the cases of dry mouth that you consult with your treating doctor and dentist initially so they can adequately manage the symptom. They may find it necessary to change the antihypertensive therapy or indicate a medication or treatment that will help improve salivation. Avoid self-medicating and performing any treatment without the advice of a health professional, especially since a dentist will be more accurate and timely in the diagnosis. QUINAPRIL AND XEROSTOMIA


If you have any questions about this topic or any other, please feel free to contact or visit us at Channel Island Family Dental. As well as on our Facebook page. At Channel Island Family Dental, we are always attentive to your needs to make a timely diagnosis. In addition, our dentists in Oxnard, Santa Paula, Newbury Park  Ventura, and  Port Hueneme will guide you to the best treatment to give you back your best smile.


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